Oct 6, 2012

Huge diversion

Check out twotigersyarns.com. It's growing, slowly but surely. I'll have new colourways up this week, with many more to follow. Oh, the plans I have!

I am going to see how Etsy.com goes before I launch the shop on the site, but stay tuned.

Don't hold your breath for too many blog posts - I'm busy! Hopefully you understand. Maybe I will port the blog over to the site (yes, I can do that) and keep things documented. Time will tell.

Happy Thanksgiving to you!


  1. Holy cow! Are you going to be busy ! Will you have time to come to knit city?
    Very nice website!

  2. I wouldn't dare miss Knit City! It's going to be a great event and it will be so good to see you!

    I'm glad you like the site. :O)
