Oct 11, 2014

what i learned today

First, the title on my blog posts doesn't automatically do sentence case.

Second, when you are piecing and want to be efficient, you make your pieces extra tall, and then you plan to cut across them to get the correct heights afterwards.

Like that.

However, what this newbie can't do is cut the total height to match the sum of heights needed and expect that the last guy is actually going to be the right height.

So where I expected to have 12.5 inches give me five heights of 2.5 inches, things were a little wonky. In the photo you see 9 inches of height for three 2.5 inch beasties. That actually works out to 7.5, but I'm planning to strip off the likely 1.25 piece and save it for later like a little squirrel. That's the three heights that I need to make up for the earlier boo-boo.

Third, I need a cover for my ironing boards. There's really no excuse for that.


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